If you have never heard of Klanghelm then you are really missing out. I have several VST's from these guys (I think actually it is just one guy - Tony Frenzel) and they are really good. No noise, no bother, they just do exactly what they are supposed to do.
Klanghelm MJUC Jr
To start you off here is a freebie. The MJUC Jr. It is is a variable-mu** compressor with lots of vibe, capable of smooth levelling but also heavy pumping effects. With its two gain stages and interstage transformer simulation it offers a very deep and lively sound stage.
The three-position timing switch not only controls the attack and release times of the unit, but also the slew rate of the transformers and the timing of the other parts of the circuitry, that are directly influencing the generated harmonics (saturation).
More details and download at Klanghelm